Comparative Analysis of Financial Performance between Sharia Banking and Conventional Banking (In the period March 2007 to March 2009). The results of this study indicate that: marketing mix has a significant effect on customer's decision, culture has significant effect to customer's decision, service quality has significant effect to customer's organizational culture, marketing mix has significant effect to customer satisfaction, culture has no significant effect to customer satisfaction, customer satisfaction, customer decisions have a significant effect on customer satisfaction, marketing mix significant effect on customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction, culture significantly influence customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction, service quality significantly influence customer satisfaction through customer satisfaction. Data collection through questionnaires and analytical techniques using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

Sample of 16 0 customers by using sampling proportional random sampling technique. The population in this study are the customers of Syariah Bank in Gorontalo Province consisting of Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Muamalat and Bank Mega Syariah with total population of 750.

The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the marketing mix, culture and service quality to customer's decision, to know and analyze the influence of marketing mix, culture and service quality to customer satisfaction, to know and analyze influence of customer decision to customer satisfaction, to know and analyze the role of customer decisions mediate the influence of marketing mix, culture and quality of service on customer satisfaction choosing Bank Syariah. Marketing Marketing Mix, Quality of service, Customer decisions and Customer satisfaction Soeharto Puluhulawa, Machfudnurnajamuddin, Syarhrir Mallongi, Mukhlis Sufri

The Influence Of Marketing Mix, Culture And Quality Of Service To Customer Satisfaction Mediated Decision Of Selecting Sharia Bank In Gorontalo Province